Annual Presidents Appreciation Luncheon
Every year members gather to recognize those women who have given their time to be President of the Akron Woman's City Club. It is a beautiful and fun way to say thanks.
Annual Witches Luncheon 2024. 
Come Join us in 2025. It will Bewitching!
Activities at the Club....Who Can I Contact?
Book Section: Jean MacEwen Phone: 330-329-2298
Enowment: Jane Delcamp
Gallery 732: Madeline Milford Phone: 330-923-1614
History Section: Sara Grenus Phone: 330-836-5851
Needlework: Carol Meyers Phone: 330-714-2053
Playmakers Unit: Liz Ogonek
History Section: Come Join Us!
History section meets the second Friday of the month for lunch as 12:00 followed by a program of historical interest, presented by someone possessing expertise and knowledge to share with us. We strive to offer a wide variety of quality programs provided by speakers who graciously accept our invitations. We appreciate those who support Hisotry Section and welcome those who have yet to give it a try. Chairman-Sara Grenus
Playmakers Unit: Come Join Us!
The Playmakers Unit's purpose is to organize activities which appeal to the children and grandchildren of members of the Club and guests. The unit consists of twelve members serving as the board. We meet the first Wednesday of each month at 11:00am. Every member is invited to participate in the activities given for the children. Two of our major activities include a breakfast with Santa in December and a tea with 5th grade girls from two local schools. Chairmen-Tivoli Smith, and Laura Robinson
Needlework: Come Join Us!
Needlework meets the fourth Thursday of most months at 9:30am in the Florentine Room. We have a short business meeting and the sharing of current and/or finished projects. The remainder of the morning is spent talking and working on our project. Most women stay for lunch at noon. This group has been taking a field trip every other year. There is no need to make a reservation. Chairman-Carol Meyers
Book Section: Come Join Us!
Different speakers each month with group discussions on various books. You don't have to have read the book to attend these gatherings. Come listen to local authors and have lunch. Meets the fourth Tuesday of every month.